Driveway & patio cleaning Formby
There are a wide range of driveway surfaces at the front of Formby homes and to the rear of domestic properties patio areas. Formby also has many large commercial patios that need maintenance on a regular basis, such as those found at golf clubs and hotels.Most Wigan patio and surfaces are laid with porous materials that may look great when first put down, but quickly start to look dirty if not looked after.
Northwestdrive clean has invested in the atest machines for restoring Formby based driveways and patios.
Block paved patios and natural stone in particular are very porous surfaces which will soon go green in damp weather conditions, due to algae and moss growth.
Weeds will also spread quickly in the 'soft' sanded joints of block paving, and the only way of stopping this is to have the surface cleaned coated with a protective patio sealer.
Call today for a FREE no obligation quote - Freephone 08000 933 267 or complete our online enquiry form.

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